Milkyway E Solutions is led by the most experienced thought leadership talent in the country, whose creative and innovative ideas on talent management has a significant impact on organizational business strategy. We have systematically developed a team of highly qualified and experienced consultants and engineers.


Vinit Poduval


A Self employed professional having extensive exposure and experience in Human Resource field.Has helped a number of companies right from his college days to Improve the company performance

by enhancing their manpower resource, HR policy creation or enhancement & Training in different areas as per the company demand and consulting on fine tuning company focus through his personal exposure in the market place. He Specialises in Strategic placements Believes and acts on his statement –

Happy Associates and happy Associate’s Family will certainly propel any company to excellence.


Samir Parekh

COO / Assignment Partner

13 years of experience in Business consulting, Recruitment and Sales. Passion to work on challenging assignments and deliver high quality results. Loves reading and meeting people.