Executive – Leadership Search

We specialize in Leadership / Executive / Strategic Hiring.

Identifying and evaluating the best senior executives for our clients is our key to success. Milkyway e-Solutions specializes in the search for leaders and senior executives in all of the key functions. Our relationship with candidates goes well beyond the particular assignment.

We operate at the highest level of ethics and integrity in all we do. Our consultants are actively involved during the recruitment process and continue to be in touch with the client and the candidate over the long term. Leadership Hiring/Executive search of VP’s, Heads and CXO profiles has been our forte and we have helped companies in different sectors to retain/acquire executive positions.

Manpower Hiring / Staffing Solutions

Our foundation lies in our staffing solutions which has contributed to the company’s status as leading provider of quality recruitment services in India

We have been working in diverse industry segments and addressing staffing needs across management functions/levels, through a team of highly disciplined motivated and well coordinated young professionals.

We devote quality time towards our clients, to understand their requirements and sincerely dedicate resources towards fulfilling commitments. Great effort is taken to ensure that our relationships with clients are enduring and always mutually beneficial.

Our staff members are fully geared to meet any contingency in the event of priority mobilization of manpower, handling of documentation and all the basic formalities.

We are in a position to cater to any type of requirement with any specific experience. We have been working on all kinds of profile right from junior management to senior managers.

Our key areas of Manpower Hiring are in:
  • IT Sector – IT Service Industry , IT Product Industry
  • ITES
  • Logistics
  • Manufacturing
  • Finance
  • Construction
  • Health Care and Hospitality

Core HR

From HR Support for small businesses to planning and executing culture change, our team can provide solutions to make life easier.

  • HR Frame work
  • Organization Structure
  • HR Policies and Processes

What We Do ?


- Talent strategy defines business success.

What’s Your Strategy?

World-class people and organizational capabilities are a source of competitive advantage. Winning organizations are nimble and focused. The right leaders in the right positions drive strategy. Change management capabilities increase the odds that a transformation will stick and succeed. A high performance culture aligns and engages employees. When structure, capabilities, and culture are tightly linked with a winning strategy, an organization is geared to succeed.

A company is only as good as its talent. And a company’s talent is only as good as its talent strategy. Talent leaders can no longer get away with haphazard hiring and ineffective career management. Employees today aren’t interested in just jobs — they want meaningful careers. We’re entering a new era of performance management. Instead of looking back at what an employee has done, today’s people leaders are inspiring them with exciting career prospects ahead. We can help you provide your people with careers that count. Research shows that careers are a key engagement driver for talent — surpassing pay in some markets. If your employees don’t feel that they’re on an exciting career journey, your talent city could look very different in a few years. Our approach to performance and career management, takes the long view on careers to ensure that the lifeblood of your organization doesn’t drain away.

Our talent strategy professionals can help you:

  • Develop a talent strategy road map.
  • Assess and implement a more effective organizational design.
  • Apply workforce planning and analytics.
  • Develop talent through career and performance management processes.
  • Define your employee value proposition through the development of an engaging culture.
  • Identify key talent and build succession slates.
  • Fulfill careers and build the pipeline through leadership assessment and development interventions.
  • Talent strategies following a merger or acquisition.


- Complexities of executive compensation and rewards

The executive rewards and governance landscape is increasingly complex. These programs need to attract key talent, motivate appropriate performance, and create an alignment with business imperatives and other talent strategies. At the same time, scrutiny abounds from shareholders, proxy advisors, governments, and the media, who are demanding that executive pay be aligned with performance and appropriate levels of risk taking. Milkyway E Solutions executive rewards consultants are trusted advisors to public- and private-company senior management and boards of directors. Milkyway E Solutions Executive Compensation professionals provide best-in-class expertise in the areas of executive and director compensation and benefits, pay-performance alignment, and corporate governance. Having the right leaders for your organization may be the most critical driver of success. Milkyway E Solutions can help you attract, retain, and motivate the critical global and local executive talent needed for long-term organizational excellence. We help organizations determine compensation levels that align with their strategic talent needs and relevant talent comparators. Our advisors achieve measurable impacts on performance, efficiency, and risk management by developing cash and equity compensation programs that serve the interests of executives, owners, and the organization while managing the growing complexity of regulations, legislation and shareholder demands.

Our executive compensation and rewards advisory services are founded on:

  • A collaborative approach: Our consultants use their knowledge and experience to provide advice and counsel, not just data.
  • Multiple viewpoints: We consider shareholder, board member, company, and employee perspectives while reflecting both external and competitive realities.
  • Market data: We utilize executive market data from all relevant sources to meet your needs and custom design survey instruments and analytics on specific issues.
  • Objectivity: We have established global business standards to manage potential conflicts of interest inherent in advising boards of directors and management on executive rewards issues.

How We Can Help?

Let us shape your executive compensation and rewards programs with Milkyway E Solutions expert consulting.

  • Improve your ability to attract, retain, and motivate key executive talent.
  • Align pay with your organization’s strategic needs and relevant talent comparators.
  • Realize value in ownership transactions.
  • Keep compliant with regulatory, legislative, and shareholder requirements and guidelines.


- Developing meaningful workforce rewards.

Your People Are Your Greatest Asset — Reward Them

Look at your balance sheet and you won’t see any line items that reflect your employees’ enthusiasm, engagement, or energy levels. But these intangible factors are key to employee performance. Make them sustainable with the right rewards strategies. Business results are driven by people. But what are people driven by?

A paycheck, yes — but there’s more to it than that. Milkyway E Solutions has experience & expertise understanding what drives employees and translating that knowledge into results. We have the experience to design your organization’s workforce rewards, structure incentive programs, manage internal equity, and, most of all, create a satisfied and more productive workforce.

Our employee rewards professionals can help you:

  • Create incentives that drive growth with talent strategy and workforce rewards.
  • Get a data-driven read on performance with job analysis and job evaluation.
  • Benchmark salaries and level jobs across a wide variety of industries and geographies with base pay and pay structure design.
  • Build your employees’ careers through job architecture and career frameworks.
  • Manage costs through pay for performance or variable compensation plans.
  • Design an effective rewards strategy to drive performance.
  • Harmonize rewards strategies following a merger or an acquisition.


- The High-Performance HR of the Future

Human Resources can’t expect to keep up with a changing world by standing still. HR professionals need to equip their operations, and themselves, to function in a rapidly changing global environment.
We think of the future of HR differently than most. Many obstacles get in the way of HR success: reorganizations, M&A, talent shortages, budget pressures, employee demands, and disruptive new technologies. But at Milkyway E Solutions, we don’t just want you to react to these issues — we want your HR team to become an essential business function leading the way in delivering bottom-line results.

We look to HR with an eye for design. How can core HR processes like recruitment, succession, and performance management be made more efficient and effective? How can HR become a valuable business partner, central to strategy discussions? It’s all part of HR transformation.

Organizations haven’t always adequately invested in their HR talent. With changes afoot in the world of work, this investment has never been more of a priority.

HR transformation isn’t a one-time event — it’s a journey. Let us help you:

  • Make your HR practice work for your business through HR effectiveness.
  • Build a stronger HR team through HR talent assessment and development.
  • Transition to a more efficient system with HR sourcing and technology.
  • Get more returns out of your human capital management investments through our HR advisory services
  • Patch holes or completely revamp your HR technology.

5. Milkyway E Solutions LEARNING

Milkyway E Solutions Learning offers a comprehensive learning solution and training designed to accelerate the development of your cross functional teams, skills and competencies - both core and technical. Milkyway E Solutions can help you design a comprehensive training and intervention programs aligned to your organizational goals

6. EMPLOYEE COMMUNICATION - Employee communication

Are You Getting Through?

When you deliver an important message to your employees, is it closer to a message in a bottle than a direct conversation?

Perhaps you’re updating your business strategy or transforming your organization. How you deliver credible information about organizational changes can keep your key people from jumping ship. An effective communication strategy has the power to boost employee engagement, build internal awareness, drive performance, retain talent, and even make your workforce more open to change.

The gap between company change and employee understanding can be wide. Let us help you build bridges.
Some changes are bigger than others. No matter the scope.

We can help you communicate big changes to give your people an even brighter image of the future than they have today.

Our employee communication experts can help you speak directly to your employees in the language they understand.

Our solutions include:

  • Change communications to ease big transitions.
  • Employee value propositions to keep your people motivated.
  • Employee communications to send the right message at the right time.

Background Verification BPO

Eliminate the Time-Consuming Process of Verifying Employment History.

Candidates can be screened pre-hire, pre-offer, pre-joining, post-offer or post-joining. Industry Experts vouch that outsourcing these processes to background verification companies is a safer and securer way of ensuring the workforce you hire is trust worthy, compliant and does not come with any legal, criminal or terrorist history or links.

Milkyway is one of the leading background check companies in India.Our in-depth knowledge of the background screening process and wide reach across industry sectors makes Milkyway your best partner for employee background check fast With focus on innovation, Milkyway functions on a smart technology solution which makes the end-to-end process quick and error-proof.

Employee Background Verification Services comprises of the following checks.

  • Employment Verification / Professional Reference Check
  • Education Verification & Certificate Verification from the respective institute and colleges

Educational information plays a very important role at the initial stage of one's career. Qualification of the candidate is utilized by the HR professionals in ascertaining various parameters for his/her success in recruitment e.g. subject knowledge, applicant's ability and so on. However this is also the most frequently falsified on resumes. As jobs become more competitive, it is also very common for applicants to exaggerate their educational history. Some of the most frequent education misrepresentations include:

Type of Degree / Difference in Major or Program attended / Never Graduated though attended / Certificates from Fake Universities / Forging percentage of marks.

We validate schools attended, diplomas, degrees, certificates and dates of attendance and assist the HR professionals in making the correct decision. In today's changing economy, more positions require advanced skills, degrees and experience

  • Address Verification
  • Indian Criminal Record Verification
  • Indian Court Record Check

Court Verification – Check if he has any court cases in his home town. (Permanent address) - This service is the latest in corporate – as police verification is time consuming and comes along with nuisance value and many times with a heavy cost for obvious reasons.

This is valid more than Police verification, as if a candidate has a serious offence – it will be registered / reflected in the respective courts cost is almost 1/7th or 1/8th of Police verification

Criminal Verification – Court Record Check

What– Court Record Check is done to check if there is any court case against the said candidate in the local court of the given jurisdiction, High Court & the Supreme Court.

Why – With the number of defaulters and the rate of frauds on the rise, foolproof employee verification is not complete without a court records check. Court Record check dig up records of illegal activities that prospective employees might have indulged in, as well as of criminal or civil offences which have led to litigation. By carrying out court record checks at pre-employment or post-employment stage, you put a 'No Entry' sign for the wrong type of personnel into your Company.

How – This check is conducted in association with leading Law firms registered with the Bar Council of India.

  • Salary Verification – with Banks and company authorities
  • Banking Sector – New account holder Address Verification
  • Banking Sector – New account holder Document Verification and Uploading on Bank site – If any such provision is made by the respective bank
  • CV Validation


Soft skills training programmers are designed keeping the company’s overall business objectives in mind. This has been done to help organizations achieve better return on investment from their human capital. The programs offered by us are aimed at enhancing skills of Fresher’s, Executives, Managers and Senior Managers. Our Soft skill training covers the following:

  • Customized Soft skill Training & HR Training for Corporate for Corporate and Colleges
  • Leadership Skills
  • People Skills
  • Communication Skills
  • Presentation Skills
  • Time Poverty
  • Team Building
  • Facing the Corporate World

Data Entry Services

Milkyway BPO, your trusted BPO partner and service provider for best in class Data Entry Services.

Whether you have tons of records or a millions of records to digitize and manually enter, Milkyway BPO offers you excellent professional services and support, with its accurate data entry services.

Milkyway BPO is a professional in offering data entry outsourcing services and has been supporting small to large companies in India, UK and US

Milkyway BPO is an experienced offshore data entry company with well-trained, data entry experts, guaranteeing over 99% accuracy in data entry. With the help of our data entry India team, our offshore services will help you achieve significant cost-savings in terms of Money and time and make data entry outsourcing affordable.

Milkyway BPO incorporates best-in-class technology to automate the data entry process, by implementing OCR and ICR technologies as part of its data entry solutions.

   Our Data Entry Outsourcing Services:
  • Online Data Entry
  • Offline Data Entry
  • Logistics Data Entry
  • Manual Data Entry
  • Copy Paste Data Entry
  • Document Data Entry
  • Electronic Document Management
  • Directory
  • Invoice and Billing Data Entry Processing
  • Product Data Entry
  • Application Data Entry
Data Processing
  • Data Processing
  • Order Entry and Processing
  • Purchase Order Management
  • Transaction Data Processing
  • Records Indexing
  • Survey Forms Processing
  • Order Processing
  • Mailing List Compilation
  • Word Processing and Formatting
Data Conversion:
  • Data Conversion
  • Data File Conversion - XML
  • HTML Conversion
  • PDF Conversion
  • Forms Processing and Entry
  • SGML Conversion
  • E-Book Conversion
  • Document Conversion
  • Data Extraction
  • OCR
  • OCR Clean up
  • Data Capture
Data Cleansing:
  • Data Cleansing
  • Data Enrichment
Database Management:
  • Database Development and Migration
  • CRM Database Management
Data Mining:
  • Data Mining
  • Database and Address Validation

Why Outsource Data Entry Services to Milkyway BPO?

Here are some of the ensuing benefits when you decide on Offshore Outsourcing Data Entry Services to Milkyway BPO.

In-Depth Process Knowledge:

With greater than 4 years of experience in providing data entry services to multiple companies, we have obtained considerable process knowledge and expertise on all aspects concerning the data entry process.

Skilled Workforce:

Our data entry workforce consists of some of the most experienced and skilled personnel. We also regularly carry out training and development to ensure that their skills and knowledge are updated at all times.

Large Volume Data Entry Processing:

Our competent and efficient staff are able to process large volumes of documents, thus helping you streamline your business workflow, improve productivity and enhance efficiency.

24/7 and Time Zone Advantage:

We work round the clock, 24 x7 days, 365 days. When you collaborate with us, we will deliver the desired output in real time as well as within a specified turnaround time.

Multilingual Support:

We provide customer support in a wide variety of languages so that customers can get their queries solved to their satisfaction, irrespective of their location.


In line with our aim to maintain our process efficiency, we ensure that the latest technology is in place. Technological upgrades are done, as and when, required.

Data Entry Pricing:

Our data entry pricing is amongst the most competitive you will find in the market. We offer flexible data entry packages with payment models ranging from per-hour, per-transaction model to per-dedicated resource model; you can choose the model which best fits your purpose. Contact us to know more.

Advantages of Outsourcing

Focus on Core Capability:

Outsourcing improves the productivity of your personnel and gives them the time to work on mission-critical projects.

Access to Better Talent:

Milkyway BPO invests in continual training of our data entry professionals to ensure that you get accurate results always.

Access to Latest Technology:

By partnering with Milkyway BPO for data entry services, you get access to the latest data management technology.

Reduce Costs and Risk:

By outsourcing to Milkyway BPO, you save on the cost of investing in technology, infrastructure and trained human resources for data entry, and minimize the risk of obsolescence.

What Sets Us Apart is competitive:

  • Infrastructure
  • Data Entry Formats
  • Data Entry Pricing
  • Data Entry Quality
  • Data Entry Security
  • Data Entry Process Flow
  • Data Entry Turn Around Time